Chapter 1

I was trying to figure out what cc was causing me some problems, so I randomized a sim in CAS and she happened. I just couldn’t let her go and I decided, why not start a legacy. I mean, I haven’t even tried out the whole Strangerville thing and she seemed perfect for the job. So this is Lily Sommers, i did forget her traits though. I’m pretty sure she’s artistic, family and I think flirty. She has the strangerville aspiration.

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Aw this guy is cute. We’ll keep him in mind for later.

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The visitors have come. Great, now she’s gonna lose her fridge. The make-up on the one in the back is terrifying.

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Ok apparently they cant be talked to either.
Lily: Take two steps back ma’am.

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She poor, my god. How am I going to get her another fridge.

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Time to get started on the aspiration:

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Okay, this doesnt look good.

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I love how she is able to walk right in and snoop all around the place. We need a card to get in though.

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That was enough adventuring for one day.

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The painting isn’t really helping at this point.

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She heads off to the library to hopefully learn a little more about Strangerville.

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Get away Marcus, you’re still not getting into any of my saves.
Marcus: Bitch.

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Erwin and Lily became fast friends, but it stayed platonic.

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They shared a friendly hug.

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It was all for the keycard.

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Uh-oh, what did we do?

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Ah hell, I thought I killed her.

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Oh jeez, I’ve infected her.

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Oh it begins.

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